
English ⅠB
David Bohlke著

I will explain my office hours in the first class.

The purpose of this class is to raise students' level of  English speaking and listening ability. With an emphasis on recognizing and using individual sounds such as vowels and diphthongs. We will also practice and use reductions, contractions, etc. Students will learn and practice the new language in pairs to communicate coherently.  Then Students will discuss various topics in pairs or groups using their own information and ideas.
①  Development of proficiency in speaking<DP3①>
②   Improvement of listening skills<DP3①、DP3②>
③  Build communicative competence using the four essential skills<DP3①>
④  Development of critical thinking<DP3①、DP3②>
⑤  Improvement of presentation skills<DP3①、DP3②>
本科目は、ディプロマ・ポリシー「 英語等の外国語の運用能力や実践的コミュニケーション能力を身につけ、また、その言語を育んだ文 化・歴史・社会・宗教を理解している。」の達成を目指す科目である。

This class is the beginning level for English IB, Department of Global Studies. Class content will be based on the Keynote book I
text & DVD/ CD audio content. Students will raise their English speaking, listening, critical thinking and presentation skills.

Before the first class students should read and study the first half of unit 1 in the textbook, checking the meaning of words or new ideas. From the first class, the teacher will give instructions on key points to review and assignments to be completed. Students must write down the required preview information, for example, the page numbers and then complete the preview and assignments before the next class or test.
Students must participate during online activities and ask questions if they do not understand.
Students must also check the meaning and/or pronunciation of new words.
Furthermore, they must participate in pair and group work when necessary.
At the end of each class,the teacher will tell and write the  required pages or assignments that students have to review before the next class. Review means:; watching & listening  to the DVD, reading the text,memorizing & checking the meaning of core vocabulary and understanding the main language points introduced in the lesson.  Sometimes students will be asked to do further research on a particular topic online, and then submit their research as homework during the next class.
At the end of each class, the teacher will tell students and write the required textbook pages or assignments that students have to review before the next class on the whiteboard. Review means
checking notes from watching the DVD & listening to the CD in class. Also, reading the text, memorizing & checking the meaning of core vocabulary and understanding the main language points introduced in the previous lesson.  Sometimes, students will be asked to do further research on a particular topic online, and then submit their research as homework during the next class.

Students can use smartphones, tablets or computers in class for English purposes, if they are necessary during the lesson.   Students can use a bilingual dictionary to check the meaning of new or difficult words, idioms, etc.

Orientation, unit overview and useful expressions. Introductions, friends & family.
Topics: A passion for music. Likes & interests.
Preview textbook & first half unit 1
Getting to know you. Writing an email  in English to introduce yourself. Simple present verbs.
Review week 1, preview week 2 lesson
How I spend money. Talking about habits & routines. Adverbs of frequency.
Review week 2, preview week 3 lesson
Using effective body language.Green shopper idea. Writing a social media post.
Using effective body language.Green shopper idea. Writing a social media post.
Review and extended practice week 1-5  includes small test. Group discussion.
Prepare for Week 5 & review presentation sheet & test.
Describing jobs. Like vs. would like. A future job.
Review key test points, preview week 6 lesson
Thanking the audience. Considering & writing about a dream job. Presentation 1.
Review week 6, preview week 7 lesson
Collocations. Unique abilities. Describing abilities & talents. Using can/can't clearly. A talented class.
Review week 7,  preview week 8 lesson
Introducing a topic. Recommending a job. Writing about someone with an unusual ability.
Review week 8.  Prepare for  test
Review and extended practice of weeks 6-10. Group discussion.
Review key test points, preview week 11
Adjectives to describe gadgets. Describing things and how they work. Using quantifiers. Wearable technology.
Review week 10 preview week 11 lesson
Using gestures effectively.  Writing a review of a piece of technology.
Review week 11 preview week 12 lesson
Daily challenges. Describing sequence.  Using time clauses. Dealing with exam stress.
Review week 12 preview week 13 lesson
Living without fear. Involving your audience. Dos & don'ts. Writing about a person who
overcame a challenge.
Review week 13
preview week 14 lesson
Final term review & extended practice of listening pronunciation & speaking. Presentation 2.
Review all course material and  prepare for the final test
Listening and writing test of all the  key vocabulary, grammar & language covered during the course.
Preview: the teacher will explain at the end of each lesson which pages or sections of the textbook students have to preview. He will also explain assignments to be completed for the next lesson. Time 60 minutes
Review: practice and memorize key vocabulary & phrases. Complete homework reading & writing assignments. Listen to online audio,practice pronunciation and conversations from the previous week’s lesson. Time  90 minutes
Also, review the appropriate language for small tests, including all the target units for example units 1~2. Time: 2~3 hours
Review all the units for the final test. Time:  5+ hours.

(1) 試験(50%)… small tests  & final  test.   I will provide feedback for tests the following week by explaining  errors and giving corrections in class.<到達目標①、到達目標②、到達目標③、到達目標⑤>
(2) 受講態度/欠席日数(20% )..... participation in class activities. I will provide feedback on individual, group work and discussions in class. Furthermore, a rubric for assessing language tasks will be provided to students in class. Absence: maximum absence 5 times, 3 X late = 1 absence <到達目標①、到達目標②、到達目標③、到達目標④、到達目標⑤>
  (3) 課題(30%).… completion of homework, reports, review and preview for the next lesson.  I will provide feedback on homework and reports the following week in class. <到達目標③、到達目標④、到達目標⑤>


Bring the textbook & a Japanese-English dictionary.

I cannot do on-demand classes for individual students, but I can do hybrid classes if absolutely necessary. Therefore,students will be marked as absent if they do not attend unless they provide a leave of absence (欠席届).  
I can only do online classes for the whole class.

In an emergency situation, I can schedule zoom classes for the whole class the night before until 9 PM. I will then post the details on Manaba.