This is an elective class in the Department of Global Studies. The textbook focuses on helping students to develop their English skills to pass EIKEN 2. Students will improve their English by completing weekly tests. Additionally, this course helps students attain the English proficiency required at the college level to become global citizens who can communicate internationally with other people worldwide.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will: ①「be able to focus on the aim of each lesson objective 〈学部DP2①、学部DP2②、⼼福DP3②、⼼福DP4①、⼼福DP4②〉 ② be able to teach their students the concepts they want to teach them in stimulating ways 〈学部DP2①、学部DP2②、⼼福DP4①、⼼福DP4②〉 ③ be able to give presentations regarding educational issues. 〈⼼福DP3②、⼼福DP4②〉
※各学科各学年のディプロマ・ポリシーはこちらのリンクからご確認ください。 |
【https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vMVlJoCFFsO-n6_ljtpbwYmSL2IAU5Q3/view?usp=drive_link】 |
※各学科各学年のカリキュラムマップはこちらのリンクからご確認ください。 |
【https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H_tCOiCeKmdQnNmr-Lh4INKo7mlB-jmt/view?usp=drive_link】 |
This course will utilize speaking, reading, writing, and listening exercises focused on EIKEN Test.
Students should complete the reading and exercises before class each week. In general, 30 minutes of preparation should be completed each week.
Students will participate in various activities and exercises related to the textbook and accompanying CD/Internet listening to improve their everyday English communication skills.
Review all the material we do in class.
(1)Obey all university rules. (2)Unexcused absences will seriously impact a student’s grade. (3)If a student is late for three classes, that amounts to one's absence. (4)Students are expected to attend class on time, be prepared, and participate positively. (5)Listen carefully to others when they are speaking.
第1回 |
Orientation Bring the textbook We will follow the sequence of the textbook.
Review what we covered in class.
Students should complete the reading and exercises before class each week. Generally, 30 minutes of review and 30 minutes of preparation should be completed each week.
第2回 |
Unit 1
Review the class
第11回 |
Unit 10
Review class
第12回 |
Unit 11
Review class
Unit 12
第13回 |
Unit 12
Review class
第14回 |
Unit 13
Review class
第16回 |
Unit 15 Class wrap up
予習・復習 |
Students should complete the reading and exercises before class each week. Generally, 30 minutes of review and 30 minutes of preparation should be completed each week.
7.評価方法(テスト、レポート、課題等へのフィードバック方法を含む) |
(1)Class Attendance 20% (2)Class Participation 40% (3) Presentations 40%
9784010936962 DAILY3週間英検2級集中ゼミ
授業への参加について、特別な事情がある場合、特別な不安や⼼配がある場合には、第2回授業までの間に必ず担当教員まで相談して下さい。試験・出席・課題の免除と代替課題の提⽰など、状況に応じて特別な対応をする場合があります。相談が遅れると対応が不可能になる場合もありますので、必ず第 2回授業の前までに相談に来て下さい。また、第2回以降、履修の途中で特別な事情が⽣じた場合についても、できるだけ早く相談に来て下さい。早ければ早いほど対応が可能です。
Let's enjoy the class together!