研究室 |
Building 3 first floor
The objective of this course is for students to become confident users of English through various listening, reading, speaking, and writing activities.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will: ①「Improve their ability to comprehend spoken and written English 〈学部DP2①、学部DP2②、⼼福DP3②、⼼福DP4①、⼼福DP4②〉 ② Improve their ability to speak and write English 〈学部DP2①、学部DP2②、⼼福DP4①、⼼福DP4②〉 ③ Develop confidence in their English language abilities
※2023年度各学科各学年のディプロマ・ポリシーはこちらのリンクからご確認ください。 |
【https://drive.google.com/file/d/12fXHZFs-QxpNCVWvy1Ah18OkW4o0cwMx/view?usp=sharing】 |
※2023年度各学科各学年のカリキュラムマップはこちらのリンクからご確認ください。 |
【https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_VfRI8PurPp9sWP0mwRAT3xoGWeppXkA/view?usp=sharing】 |
This course will use active learning techniques so that students improve in their speaking, reading, listening, and writing skills.
Students should complete the assigned reading and exercises before each class meeting. Students should be sure to do the listening exercises at home.
Class time will be devoted to numerous group and individual activities. Students should be prepared to speak, listen, read, and write in English in all class meetings.
Students should review the course materials following each class. Students may find keeping a diary with vocabulary and their reaction to each week's class to be useful.
(1)Obey all university rules. (2)Unexcused absences will seriously impact a student’s grade. (3)If a student is late for three classes, that amounts to one's absence. (4)Students are expected to attend class on time, be prepared, and participate positively. (5)Listen carefully to others when they are speaking.
第1回 |
Orientation / Introduction to the textbook.
Review class materials completed today. Do the homework. Be sure to review the listening exercises as much as possible.
Buy the textbook.
第2回 |
Unit 1
Review class materials completed today. Do the homework. Be sure to review the listening exercises as much as possible.
第3回 |
Unit 2
Review class materials completed today. Do the homework. Be sure to review the listening exercises as much as possible.
第4回 |
Unit 2
Review class materials completed today. Do the homework. Be sure to review the listening exercises as much as possible.
第5回 |
Unit 3
Review class materials completed today. Do the homework. Be sure to review the listening exercises as much as possible.
第6回 |
Unit 3
Review class materials completed today. Do the homework. Be sure to review the listening exercises as much as possible.
第7回 |
Unit 4
Review class materials completed today. Do the homework. Be sure to review the listening exercises as much as possible.
第8回 |
Unit 4
Review class materials completed today. Do the homework. Be sure to review the listening exercises as much as possible.
第9回 |
Unit 5
Review class materials completed today. Do the homework. Be sure to review the listening exercises as much as possible.
第10回 |
Unit 5
Review class materials completed today. Do the homework. Be sure to review the listening exercises as much as possible.
第11回 |
Unit 6
Review class materials completed today. Do the homework. Be sure to review the listening exercises as much as possible.
第12回 |
Unit 6
Review class materials completed today. Do the homework. Be sure to review the listening exercises as much as possible.
第13回 |
Complete the textbook for the semester.
Review class materials completed today. Do the homework. Be sure to review the listening exercises as much as possible.
第14回 |
Group presentations.
Review classmates' presentations.
第15回 |
Final individual presentations
予習・復習 |
Students should review the course materials following each class. Students may find keeping a diary with vocabulary and their reactions to each week's class helpful.
7.評価方法(テスト、レポート、課題等へのフィードバック方法を含む) |
(1) Quizzes: 40% (2) Textbook exercises and active participation: 30% (3) Group presentation: 5% (4) Individual presentation: 25%
授業への参加について、特別な事情がある場合、特別な不安や⼼配がある場合には、第2回授業までの間に必ず担当教員まで相談して下さい。試験・出席・課題の免除と代替課題の提⽰など、状況に応じて特別な対応をする場合があります。相談が遅れると対応が不可能になる場合もありますので、必ず第 2回授業の前までに相談に来て下さい。また、第2回以降、履修の途中で特別な事情が⽣じた場合についても、できるだけ早く相談に来て下さい。早ければ早いほど対応が可能です。
※ 授業の展開によっては、変更の可能性があります。変更の場合には随時お知らせします。